


Search “Coronary Artery Bypass” [Mesh]


Search (((((((((((Artery Bypass, Coronary) OR Artery Bypasses, Coronary) OR Bypasses, Coronary Artery) OR Coronary Artery Bypasses) OR Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery) OR Bypass, Coronary Artery) OR Aortocoronary Bypass) OR Aortocoronary Bypasses) OR Bypass, Aortocoronary) OR Bypasses, Aortocoronary) OR Bypass Surgery, Coronary Artery) OR Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting


Search “Percutaneous Coronary Intervention”[Mesh]


Search ((((((((((Coronary Intervention, Percutaneous) OR Coronary Interventions, Percutaneous) OR Intervention, Percutaneous Coronary) OR Interventions, Percutaneous Coronary) OR Percutaneous Coronary Interventions) OR Percutaneous Coronary Revascularization) OR Coronary Revascularization, Percutaneous) OR Coronary Revascularizations, Percutaneous) OR Percutaneous Coronary Revascularizations) OR Revascularization, Percutaneous Coronary) OR Revascularizations, Percutaneous Coronary


Search “Drug-Eluting Stents”[Mesh]


Search ((((((((((Drug Eluting Stents) OR Drug-Eluting Stent) OR Stent, Drug-Eluting) OR Stents, Drug-Eluting) OR Stents, Drug Eluting) OR Drug-Coated Stents) OR Drug Coated Stents) OR Drug-Coated Stent) OR Stent, Drug-Coated) OR Stents, Drug-Coated) OR Stents, Drug Coated


#1 OR #2


#3 OR #4


#5 OR #6


#7 AND #8 AND #9