


例1:平时啊 不声不响的 做起事来 一点都不含糊

He’s usually a quiet boy, never making a ruckus. He’s very diligent and well behaved. He knows exactly what he wants to do.

He’s a quiet boy, very diligent and well behaved. He knows exactly what he wants to do.

例2:肖老师的亲戚 学生 那跪得是黑压压一片

Master Xiao’s family and students were all kneeling there in the dark,

Master Xiao’s family and students were all kneeling there.

例3:哦 那咱土庄可长脸了 你游本盛也长脸了

Oh, you’ve grown. You’re the very pride of Earth Village. So’s your dad, bringing honour to us all.

Oh, that will make you look good, bringing honour to the whole Earth Village.

例4:告诉游天鸣 我身子不舒坦

Tell Tianming my health is failing.

Tell Tianming I’m under the weather.


I didn’t even have the heart to die.

I was hopeless.

例6:我性子野 干啥都没长性

I was too wild, not a serious enough student.

I’m a half-hearted learner, having no persistence.