


Recently, I keep recalling past events and feel very aggrieved. In middle school, I was sexually harassed by a teacher. Although the wrongdoer was punished, the memories keep resurfacing, making me feel uncomfortable. What should I do?


I understand your feelings. Many people are influenced by past experiences, so don’t blame yourself. This might be a manifestation of a trauma response. Seeking professional help can provide methods to alleviate this burden.


I feel lacking in confidence, and it’s affecting my mindset. I can’t seem to let it go.


It’s quite normal. Many people lose confidence due to past experiences. But you must know, it’s not your fault. Some things are beyond our control. You can try positive methods to deal with these feelings, like finding someone to talk to or using self-regulation techniques to ease the psychological burden.


I also find myself afraid of men, even avoiding close family members.


That’s also normal. Your fear is a result of past experiences. However, you need to build trust, tell yourself that not all men will harm you. Gradually try to interact with men and seek professional help to overcome your fear.


Thank you. I’ll try my best. But I still feel very sad and sometimes want to cry.


That’s perfectly normal. When you feel sad and overwhelmed, don’t suppress your emotions. Find a quiet place, try deep breathing, or have a warm drink to ease your emotions. If you need someone to talk to, we can chat together, and I’ll do my best to help.


I feel it’s challenging. I’m not sure if I can handle my emotions.


Handling emotions is indeed not easy. But you need help. Seek professional support or share your feelings with friends and family. We can work together to find solutions and help you regain confidence and self-esteem.


Thank you for your help. I’ll give it a try.


You’re brave. Don’t forget that. I’ll be here to support you. I hope you find a path to overcome difficulties and become a stronger version of yourself. Good luck!