


例15:……在师父和师兄弟们心里 留下了无限的悲凉和无奈

Myself and the rest of the band were all wracked with sorrow and hopelessness.

The rest of the band and I were wracked with sorrow and hopelessness.

例16:八台那场面可大 气势也高

For a really big occasion, important, high energy.

For really big occasion, it presents with high energy.

例17:大庄叔 过来喝水

Uncle, come have some water.

Uncle, have some water.

例18:如今你都二十四五的人了 连个对象都没有

Come on, you’re almost twenty-five and still no girlfriend!

Come on, you’re almost 25 and you got no girlfriend!

例19:妈 我给师父发过誓的

Ma, I swore a vow to my master.

Ma, I swore to my master.


Why should you trap yourself sticking to one path?

Why do you trap yourself on one path?