引导式元话语(Interactive Metadiscourse)

互动式元话语(Interactional Metadiscourse)

过渡标记Transitions (but, thus, in conclusion, because)

45 (0.88)

模糊限制语Hedges (might, about, should, not that much)

22 (0.43)

框架标记Frame Markers (first, then, next, well, now)

40 (0.78)

增强语Boosters (in fact, very, be able to, always)

34 (0.67)

内指标记Endophoric Markers


态度标记Attitude Markers (surprisingly, believe, it is vital, beautiful, amazing, important)

22 (0.43)

证源标记Evidentials (according to)

2 (0.04)

自我提及Self Mentions (I, we, my, me, our/s)

228 (4.46)

解释标记Code Glosses (that is, for example)

8 (0.16)

参与标记Engagement Markers (consider, we/you can see that, let me, let’s)

12 (0.23)


95 (1.86)


318 (6.23)