1) Which of the following motivation types do you think can BEST interpret your learning motivation in your current English language learning?

[Please also circle the rank for each of motivations in order of importance for your English language learning from 1-3, where 1 is the most influential and 3 is the least influential]

a. Self-motivation

[Rank: 1/2/3]

b. Ought-to motivation

[Rank: 1/2/3]

c. Anti-ought-to motivation

[Rank: 1/2/3]

2) On a scale of 1 to 5, how much impact does the your current motivation have on your conversational English language acquisition outcomes?

1-No impact

2-Little impact

3-Moderate impact

4-Significant impact

5-Very significant impact

3) On a scale of 1 to 5, how confident are you in your conversational English language skills?

1-No impact

2-Little impact

3-Moderate impact

4-Significant impact

5-Very significant impact

4) On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with your conversational English language skills?

1-Not satisfied at all

2-Slightly satisfied

3-Moderately satisfied

4-Very satisfied

5-Extremely satisfied

5) Do you believe that your motivation level affects your ability to participate in classroom conversation activities?

a. Yes

b. No

c. I am not sure

6) How much of an impact do you believe each motivation has on your acquisition outcomes of conversational language use? (Please use a scale of 1~5, where 1 represents no impact and 5 represents a significant impact)


1-No impact

2-Little impact

3-Moderate impact

4-Significant impact

5-Very significant impact

Ought-to Motivation

1-No impact

2-Little impact

3-Moderate impact

4-Significant impact

5-Very significant impact

Anti-ought-to Motivation

1-No impact

2-Little impact

3-Moderate impact

4-Significant impact

5-Very significant impact