类别 | 原文 | 余译 |
生态文化(动物) | 大白赖头鼋 | a huge, white scabby-headed turtle |
生态文化(动物) | 虎豹藏形 | tigers and leopards into hiding |
生态文化(动物) | 飞禽叫噪 | the fowl a ruckus |
生态文化(动物) | 金蛇 | a gold snake |
生态文化(动物) | 地龙 | the earth pulse |
生态文化(动物) | 猪八戒 | Zhu Eight Rules |
生态文化(动物) | 白马 | white horse |
生态文化(动物) | 金龙 | gold dragons |
生态文化(动物) | 玉虎 | jade tigers |
生态文化(动物) | 乌兔 | black hares |
生态文化(动物) | 龟蛇 | snakes and turtles |
生态文化(动物) | 丹凤青鸾 | Phoenixes, red and blue |
生态文化(动物) | 玄猿白鹿 | black apes and white deer |
生态文化(植物) | 松篁 | pines and bamboos |
生态文化(植物) | 嫩柏 | young cypresses |
生态文化(植物) | 乔松 | pines and bamboos |
生态文化(植物) | 松树 | pine trees |
生态文化(植物) | 蔓菁 | tubers |
生态文化(植物) | 香芋 | taros |
生态文化(植物) | 蘑菇 | mushroom |
生态文化(植物) | 海菜 | seaweeds |
生态文化(植物) | 姜 | ginger |
生态文化(植物) | 笋 | bamboo |
生态文化(植物) | 椿树叶 | xiangchun leaves |
生态文化(植物) | 木耳 | Wood-ears |
生态文化(植物) | 花椒 | Sichuan peppercorns |
生态文化(植物) | 核桃 | Walnuts |
生态文化(植物) | 柿饼 | persimmons |
生态文化(植物) | 龙眼荔枝 | Lung-ans and lychees |
生态文化(植物) | 茧栗 | chestnuts |
生态文化(植物) | 枣 | dates |
生态文化(植物) | 榛松 | pine-seeds |
生态文化(植物) | 莲肉 | lotus-seeds |
生态文化(植物) | 葡萄 | grapes |
生态文化(植物) | 橄榄 | Chinese olives |
生态文化(植物) | 苹婆 | wild apples |
生态文化(植物) | 沙果 | crabapples |
生态文化(植物) | 慈菇 | tender stalks |
生态文化(植物) | 嫩藕 | young lotus roots |
生态文化(植物) | 脆李 | crisp plums |
生态文化(植物) | 杨梅 | Chinese strawberries |
生态文化(植物) | 茶饭 | food or tea |
生态文化(植物) | 松风水月 | the pime in the wind or the moon mirrored in water |
生态文化(植物) | 仙露明珠 | elements which seemingly had no relations and which had yet to take visible forms |
生态文化(植物) | 桂 | cinnamon |
生态文化(植物) | 莲 | lotus |
生态文化(植物) | 卉木 | vegetable kindom |
生态文化(植物) | 蟠桃 | immortal peaches |
生态文化(植物) | 乔松古桧 | hoary pines and old junipers |
生态文化(植物) | 翠柏修篁 | jade cypresses and aged bamboos |
生态文化(植物) | 五色梅 | Five-colored plums |
生态文化(植物) | 万年桃 | millennial peaches |
生态文化(气候) | 雷熌 | thunder and lightning |
生态文化(气候) | 走石飞沙 | rocks and grit flew everywhere |
生态文化(气候) | 惊蛰 | Its(指thunder) power |
生态文化(气候) | 风调雨顺 | annually wind and rain in due season |
生态文化(气候) | 寒暑 | seasons of heat and cold |
生态文化(气候) | 积雪晨飞 | snow drifts in the morning |
生态文化(气候) | 惊沙夕起 | sand storms at dusk would blot out the horizon |
生态文化(气候) | 烟霞 | mist and smoke |
生态文化(气候) | 百重寒暑 | a thousand alternations of heat and cold |
生态文化(气候) | 霜雨 | frost and rain |
生态文化(地方) | 流沙河 | the Flowing-sand River |
生态文化(地方) | 通天河 | the Heaven-Reaching River |
生态文化(地方) | 陈家庄 | a Chen Village |
生态文化(地方) | 玉真观 | the Jade Perfection Abbey |
生态文化(地方) | 凌云渡 | Cloud-Transcending Ferry |
生态文化(地方) | 雷音寺 | Tathagata at Thunderclap |
生态文化(地方) | 蒙珍楼 | precious tower |
生态文化(地方) | 救生寺 | the Life-Saving Monastery |
生态文化(地方) | 庑廊 | the corridor |
生态文化(地方) | 望经楼 | the Scripture-Watch Tower |
生态文化(地方) | 灵山 | the Spirit, Mountain |
生态文化(地方) | 宝阁 | the precious tower |
生态文化(地方) | 花果山水帘洞 | the water Curtain Cave of the Flower-Fruit Mountain |
生态文化(地方) | 福陵山云栈洞 | the Cloudy Paths Cave of Fuling Mountain |
生态文化(地方) | 乌斯藏高老庄 | Old Gao Village of Qoco |
生态文化(地方) | 山村旷野 | the wild or a mountain village |
生态文化(地方) | 雁塔寺 | The Wild-Goose Pagoda Temple |
生态文化(地方) | 化龙池 | the Dragon-Transforming Pool |
生态文化(地方) | 擎天华表柱 | the Pillars that Support Heavon |
物质文化 | 芭蕉扇 | the palm-leaf fan |
物质文化 | 驮 | saddle |
物质文化 | 金炉 | gold censer |
物质文化 | 玉盏 | jade chalice |
物质文化 | 紫金钵盂 | almsbowl of purple gold |
物质文化 | 印信 | seals and signatures |
物质文化 | 通关文牒 | travel rescript |
物质文化 | 彩绣 | brocade |
物质文化 | 红毡 | red carpets |
物质文化 | 琥珀杯 | amber cups |
物质文化 | 玻璃盏 | crystal goblets |
物质文化 | 黄金盘 | gold platters |
物质文化 | 百余碗 | white-jade bowls |
物质文化 | 真经 | Imperial Transcription |
物质文化 | 蟠桃会 | the Festival of Immortal Peaches |
物质文化 | 玻璃盏 | crystal chalice |
物质文化 | 擎天华表柱 | the Pillars that Support Heaven |
物质文化 | 金箍儿 | golden fillet |
社会文化 | 手搭凉蓬 | shielded his eyes with his hand |
社会文化 | 那长老 | that elder |
社会文化 | 经本 | the scriptures |
社会文化 | 二老官 | Number Two |
社会文化 | 佃户 | farmhands |
社会文化 | 老爷 | Venerable Father |
社会文化 | 舍下 | home |
社会文化 | 香案 | an incense altar |
社会文化 | 仙品仙肴 | immortal victuals |
社会文化 | 烟火食 | cooked food |
社会文化 | 香火 | the perpetual sacrifice of incense |
社会文化 | 施主 | all donors |
社会文化 | 大王庙儿 | the shrine of that Great King |
社会文化 | 六畜安生 | the peaceful births of the six beasts |
社会文化 | 风调雨顺 | annually wind and rain in due season |
社会文化 | 活佛 | a living Buddha |
社会文化 | 祭祀烧纸 | sacrifices along with the burning of paper cash |
社会文化 | 瑞霭 | auspicious mists |
社会文化 | 泼大粗人 | stupid old ruffians |
社会文化 | 太宗 | Taizong |
社会文化 | 御弟 | royal brother |
社会文化 | 侍官 | attendants |
社会文化 | 万岁爷爷 | His Majesty |
社会文化 | 通关文牒 | the travel rescript |
社会文化 | 法师 | a Master of the Law |
宗教文化 | 五方揭谛 | Guardians of the Five Quaters |
宗教文化 | 四值功曹 | the Four Sentinels |
宗教文化 | 六丁六甲 | the Six Gods of Darkness and the Six Gods of Light |
宗教文化 | 护教伽蓝 | the Guardians of Monasteries |
宗教文化 | 八大金刚 | the Eight Vajra Guardians |
宗教文化 | 法身不朽 | an incorruptible body |
宗教文化 | 正法身 | rectified dharmabody |
宗教文化 | 打坐 | guard |
宗教文化 | 阿傩、伽叶二尊者 | Ānanda and Kāsyapa, the two Honored Ones |
宗教文化 | 比丘圣僧 | Bhiksu sage monks |
宗教文化 | 皈依 | submit |
宗教文化 | 旃檀功德佛 | the Buddha of Candana Merit |
宗教文化 | 斗战胜佛 | the Buddha Victorious in Strife |
宗教文化 | 净坛使者 | Janitor of the Altars |
宗教文化 | 金身罗汉 | the Golden-Bodied Arhat |
宗教文化 | 八部天龙马 | one of the dragons belonging to the Eight Classes of Supernatural Beings |
宗教文化 | 佛祖 | Buddhist Patriarchs |
宗教文化 | 菩萨 | Bodhisattvas |
宗教文化 | 圣僧 | sage priests |
宗教文化 | 罗汉 | arhats |
宗教文化 | 揭谛 | guardians |
宗教文化 | 比丘 | bhiksus |
宗教文化 | 优婆夷塞 | upāsakas and upāsikas |
宗教文化 | 得道 | attain the Way |
语言文化 | 十日滩头坐,一日行九滩 | For ten days you sit on the shore; In one day you may pass nine beaches |
语言文化 | 真人不露相,露相不真人 | The adept does not show himself; He who shows himself’s no adept |
语言文化 | 金炉不断千年火,玉盏常明万载灯 | The gold censer continued a thousand years’ fire; The jade chalice brightened with an eternal lamp |
语言文化 | 丹成识得本来面,体健如如拜主人 | Elixir formed, he knows the original face; 6 His healthy frame, natural and free, bows to his lord |
语言文化 | 叫苦连天 | They were so upset |
语言文化 | 不知所措 | did not quite know |