




Jadeite-carved earrings decorated with double badgers

Verdant-carved earrings featuring paired badgers

转译突显了翠雕的翠绿和文 化象征,更具审美感。



(Women’s) waistcoat made of dark slate-gray silk and embroidered with peonies

Teal satin waistcoat embellished with embroidered peonies for women

转译突出了颜色的细致描绘 和花卉的高雅,更符合审美 取向。

吉祥图案香色漳绒 织马甲

Dark brown satin-woven waistcoat decorated with patterns symbolizing good luck

Auspicious-patterned chestnut-brown velvet vest

转译强调了吉祥图案的寓意, 更贴近中国文化的审美观。

铜镀金点翠镶料石 子孙万代头花

Gold-gilded jadite-plated stone-inlaid hairdress made of bronze and symbolizing prosperous generations

Bronze hairpin adorned with gold-gilded jadeite and stone inlay, representing a prosperous future

转译突出了代代兴旺的寓意, 更强调审美符号的文化内涵。


Tiger-head shaped shoes for children

Children’s shoes with tiger-shaped heads

转译简洁明了,更突出了虎 头鞋的独特造型。


Bib in the shape of a boy

Boy-shaped bib

转译简明扼要,更突显围嘴 的造型特色。

酱色方格纹暗花缎 斜襟夹袄

Caramel jacket with sloping lapel made of shadow satin and decorated with plaid

Umber jacket with diagonal lapel, featuring shadow satin and plaid embellishments

转译突显了颜色和花纹的独 特性,更符合审美取向。


Ring chiseled by gold decorated with BaJixiang

Gold ring adorned with eight auspicious symbols

转译突出了吉祥图案的寓 意,更贴近中国传统文化 的审美内涵。

金银线绣荷花蓝 纱女大氅

Women’s blue gauze cape dress decorated with lotus and embroidered with gold and silver thread

Blue gauze cape dress with lotus pattern, embroidered in gold and silver threads

转译突显了颜色和花卉的独 特性,更符合审美取向。

金筐宝钿团花形 金饰

Gold Crown Rosette Ornament

Gold ornament resembling a basket with precious jewels and clustered flowers

转译更贴近中文的形象,强 调了金饰的华美和艺术性。


Silver Sachet in Open-work with Grapes, Flowers, and Birds

Silver sachet featuring grape, floral, and bird patterns in openwork

转译突显了香囊的图案,更 注重审美元素的传达。